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Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
2nd June 2018

I saw Mr Nejad at Spire Bushey and was disappointed. I had read another review which concerned me but wanted to make my own opinion. I did find him to be quite dismissive of my problem and he was very full of himself and I also find it difficult to get a word in edgeways. I did not find my appointment worthwhile as it cost me a lot of money and I didn’t get any answers.

Written by a carer at Spire Bushey Hospital
18th May 2018

We can see from other reviews that Mr Nejad is an expert on hip dysplasia which is why we booked into see him. We didn’t have the same experiences listed because we found him to be dismissive and uninterested. He cut us short twice which we found rude. We were in his room for 8 minutes and we were charged £220 which is the same as £1600 an hour, more than the most expensive layer in the country. We did no feel it was value for money and all we came away with was a form for an MRI and no diagnosis. We will not be going back to him for the follow up.

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
3rd August 2017

I was born with hips displasia and at the age of 50 had both hips replaced by maverick Mr Aresh Hashemi-Nejad. Mr Nejad looked after me for close to 20 years before the ops. Together we kept the condition in check to allow a fairly comfortable life. After my ops I was basically reborn, as simple as that, and I am now super-fit and super-healthy thanks to the skills of Mr Nejad. Suffice to say that it takes me 09:53 seconds to WALK up the Gherkin 40 flights of steps. Someone once told me the surgeons are the carpenters of their profession. Mr Nejad is a super-carpenter as his attention to the millimetre assured I was left with both legs in fully functioning-length order, which I find a considerable achievement. Forever thankful.

Written by a patient at Spire Bushey Hospital
30th March 2017

Amazing surgeon - I don't know how he did it but he fixed me! I had hip dysplasia from birth and had hip replacement surgery last year. Mr Hashemi-Nejad dealt with me perfectly, answered all my questions and the outcome of my surgery is absolute magic.

Written by a member of staff
9th September 2015

My Daughter has had two intervention in my country one was closed reduction hip HDD and the other open reduction HDD both are wrong and false but when Mr Nejad did a revision surgery for her in Royal Orthopeadic Hospital Stanmore she is walks better and her movment improved ,evry one knows her in my Country notice this improvment. Thank you Mr Nejad


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  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery